Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Loomi's Book list for the next few months

Currently reading 2 books
1. The What Everybody is saying: An ex-FBI Agent's guide to speed reading people
2. The Digital Photography Book
Next is
3. Committed - A Sceptic Makes peace with Marriage (Same author as Eat Pray Love)
4. The Kingdom of Infinite Space: A Fantastical Journey around you head

Should keep me busy till mid March....

Don't u wish we could NOT work and just read books antake photos all day!?


  1. Interesting stuff. In April try 'Three Cups of Tea' by Greg Mortenson - the story of a former American mountain-climber whose mission is to promote peace one school at a time in rural Pakistan and Afhganistan. I'm loving it!

    And yes, I wish I could read books all day!

  2. Will do....hopefully one day I wanna be successful at some charitable activity....Was thinking like a Vitiligo relief center for ppl to come together and feel the same like each other.....especially with Kids...whad u reckon? Dunno from where to start though
