Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hippos and others

Never in my life have I have seen or been so close to Hippo's and Elephants!
Yesterday while canoeing along the national park a male Hippo who was kicked out of his herd gave us a nice demonstration of how wide his mouth can open!
Then later at night at 1am the elephants came to walk around the lodge we were staying at for the night. I kept my tent flap open as I was expecting them. He walked straight to the tree and bush next to my tent, he was literally 2 meters away! My heart was racing as I could even smell the leaves he was chewing. It was an amazing experience. Elephants can sense humans up to 30 meters but these ones are not afraid as they remember the areas where they could be poached. They have a memory of up to 30 years. Some other pix taken from the boat ride last weekend

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