Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My one month vacation Part 1 - Italy France

Upon popular demand I am updating my so far vacation route.
This is the trajectoire:
Dxb Milan by flight
Milan Florence by train
Slept a nite at J&J hotel then went to Villa Magiacane in Tuscany for Sanas amazing wedding
Slept 2 nites at the Villa then back to Firenze for one nite at J&J again
Drove to Grasse passing through San Remo
Slept 2 nites in Grasse Chez Salma
Took the ferry to St.Tropez slept at Hotel du Sube
And now am back in Grasse.....
Friday back to Dxb for 2 nites then hit the far east for another 2 weeks; Vietnam Cambodia
Will add some pix soon

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