Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 5 in Amman Jordan

While waiting to get access into camps and special units, been helping local organisations and NGO's with sorting and packing all donations to be sent to the Syrian refugees in Irbid and Zaatari camp! Its very rewarding but makes you think how much we spend on items that end up having not much value... Think again before you buy something new!
#Jordan #NGO #charity #camps #donation #syrianrefugees #mercycorps

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Project Loomi Pledge in Jordan

4 wedding dresses, 10 suits, all sorts of warm fuzzy children clothes, 4 suitcases, 72 kgs and heading to Amman for Project Loomi Pledge!
As a photographer and in my daily life we are always trying to capture those "happy moments" whenever we can if people can afford it and if they have time.
Most refugees after spending alot of time out of their homes, will attempt to eventually lead a "normal" life... Hence still getting married, having kids, spending Xmas with family, and having a happy new year celebration!
I aim to help capture that through my lens! wish me luck 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Twins and other new smiles

My first "twins" was challenging to get them in one picture, managed this one....
Sheena baby girl was such a pleasure to photograph. See them here

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today's star is sweet Rena - 3 months old

After 40 minutes of smiles and sweetness she decided to sleep.....But meanwhile she gave us all those lovely looks

Newborn and baby photography

Since my new adventure into baby photography and my deal with Groupon last week, Ive have had the opportunity to photograph lovely little Dubai babies....

See the results... more to follow

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hippos and others

Never in my life have I have seen or been so close to Hippo's and Elephants!
Yesterday while canoeing along the national park a male Hippo who was kicked out of his herd gave us a nice demonstration of how wide his mouth can open!
Then later at night at 1am the elephants came to walk around the lodge we were staying at for the night. I kept my tent flap open as I was expecting them. He walked straight to the tree and bush next to my tent, he was literally 2 meters away! My heart was racing as I could even smell the leaves he was chewing. It was an amazing experience. Elephants can sense humans up to 30 meters but these ones are not afraid as they remember the areas where they could be poached. They have a memory of up to 30 years. Some other pix taken from the boat ride last weekend

Friday, September 14, 2012

Malawian Babies

Malawian babies don't cry.
They are tied most of the time to their mothers back in a simple cotton wrap.
Their diapers are made of cloth and changed maybe once twice a day.
If they do start crying, whatever the mother is doing she will scoop the baby to the front and breast feed her child there and then.
Showing your breast is the most natural thing to do and no one looks!(Except me!)
I saw a mother today breast-feeding and getting water from the well....tough life....

The get used to everything around them from the "back view" and just look and stare.
I've been kids play with sharp objects like knives and broken mirrors but they don't hurt themselves or others....From an early age they learn to know about the risks and avoid any injuries.
Siblings as young as 4 to 5 years old start carrying the babies as a relief to their mothers who are doing other errands